Do You Really Know Who Is Working At Your Nursing Home?

It is simply amazing what a person can do with a little knowledge, a computer, and bad intentions. A story by Mariann Martin out of Jackson, Tennessee reveals the lengths one person went to in order to hide her identity. The story, featured on the Jackson Sun's website reports on the arrest of Sheila Watson, who was the "social director" at Bells Nursing Home, in Bells, Tennessee.

According to the article, Ms. Watson, if that is indeed her name, had provided the facility with forged copies of "a University of Memphis diploma, college transcripts, a letter and a Social Security card" when she applied for her job. Apparently Ms. Watson had worked at the nursing home since July 2009. Why would Ms. Watson go through so much trouble to land the social director position? It seems she has a long criminal history including a conviction of identity theft, among others. 

Although the nursing home has, to date, been unable to unearth any evidence Ms. Watson was attempting to defraud the facility, the story does not address the obvious question: Did Ms. Watson go through all that trouble to create an identity not to defraud the facility, but to befriend and, perhaps financially exploit, the vulnerable residents of the Bells Nursing Home?

It just goes to show you; it is difficult to ensure the staff at your nursing home are who they represent themselves to be. Could Bells Nursing Home have done a more thorough background investigation before placing Ms. Watson in a position of trust? What steps does your nursing home facility take to ensure its employees are who they purport to be? 

Ms. Watson's cover was blown when the nursing home received a call from a state agency which, in turn, had received a "tip" about her. Ms. Watson may never have been discovered if not for the concern of the tipster. If you know someone working in a nursing home is not who they claim to be, report it. If you observe anything out of the ordinary concerning the staff of your nursing home, again, report it. The facility has an obligation to hire qualified individuals to provide care for its residents. You can help ensure the nursing home does so.

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